About ME

Research Interest

Over the years I have presented at conferences on topics such as nanotechnology, advanced materials and the design process. Currently, I am trying to expand the understanding of the design process by identifying new models to develop process and design approaches. Among these are fractals as a design process, the semantic chain in design as well as biomimicry (form, process and eco-system).

The topic of fractals was developed in 2000 during the development of my thesis. From here, I have surveyed the literature to identify how the understanding of fractals can assist in the development of a process to design using patterns, scale, iteration and fractal dimensioning. This is a topic that, to me, strikes at the fulcrum of design education. I have used the understanding of fractals in developing assignments for foundation courses as well as master’s level courses. Students begin by analyzing forms in nature, then evaluating the viability of the form according to the problem, and consequently create fractal inspired designs in the course. This focus also ties in clearly to my teaching philosophy.

Branching from this understanding I have begun to research how ideograms can create language in design as well as identify how we make judgments and create filters to design.  This topic is my current research and will be as I delve into the interpretation of phenomenological meaning and as I classify judgment in design.

These topics provide me the opportunity to exercise my passion for design and design communication as well as assist in developing new pedagogical directions within the classroom. 

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